
Blossom End Rot

Calcium Deficiency Rot


In a Nutshell

  • Brown or grey stains on bottom of green fruits.
  • Internal black rot in fruits.

Can also be found in

7 Crops



Blossom End Rot is characterized by the appearance of an irregular patch at the tip of the fruit. The patch varies in size and color. In the early stages it is light green. It becomes brown and black as the fruit matures. Fruit tissues lose consistency, become sunken and the tip eventually takes a flattened appearance. Internal black rot can also develop in fruits with little or no external symptoms.


Organic Control

Apply calcium-rich substances such as algal limestone, basalt flour, burnt lime, dolomite, gypsum and slag lime to the soil.

Chemical Control

Always consider an integrated approach with preventive measures together with biological treatments if available. Use a foliar spray of calcium chloride as an emergency measure but do not spray too often or in excessive amounts.

What caused it?

Blossom End Rot is a physiological disorder that is caused by a lack of calcium in the fruit tissues. No pest or pathogens are involved. Calcium promotes the strength and firmness of tissues. Calcium deficiency can occur due to the unavailability of this nutrient in the soil or the incapacity of the plant to absorb it and distribute it to its fruits. This leads to the destruction of the tissue structure, resulting in the characteristic dark, sunken areas. Irregular irrigation or root damage can be the cause of calcium deficiency.

Preventive Measures

  • Adjust soil pH-levels, for example through liming.
  • Use mulch to keep soils moist.
  • Avoid root damage through deep cultivation practices.
  • Ensure fertilization low in nitrogen and rich in calcium.
  • Ensure regular irrigation during dry periods.
  • Avoid over-watering and allow for good drainage of the fields.
  • Use nitrate forms of nitrogen rather than ammonium.

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