
Eggplant Lace Bug

Gargaphia solani


In a Nutshell

  • Brown frass on the underside of leaves.
  • Discolored patches on leaves.
  • Yellowing and curling of leaves.
  • Small, light brown and white bugs.

Can also be found in



The critical period is in early spring when eggplants are still in the seedling stage. Nymphs are feeding on the underside of leaves in groups, covering them with brown excrement. The chewing of the leaves results in round, discolored patches clearly visible on the upper side of the leaf blades. Increasing damage causes leaves to turn yellow and eventually shrivel up and curl. Severe infestation may kill whole plants or weaken them so that fruits fail to develop.


Organic Control

Conserve natural enemies of eggplant lace wings include ladybugs, spiders, and pirate bugs. Insecticidal soaps, pyrethrins and neem oil can be sprayed onto the undersides of the leaves.

Chemical Control

Always consider an integrated approach with preventive measures together with biological treatments if available. Broad-spectrum insecticides based on pyrethroids can be used as foliar sprays, but should be used carefully as they might harm beneficial insects.

What caused it?

Adults of eggplant lace bugs are light brown and white, with transparent green, lace-like veins in the wings. They are about 4 mm in length and survive in plant debris, waiting for favorable weather conditions to emerge and lay eggs. Eggs are greenish and glued to the undersides of leaves in clusters. Nymphs are wingless, yellow with a dark spot at the tip of the abdomen. Both nymphs and adults damage leaves, but while nymphs feed locally, adults fly to other plants and spread the damage in the field. Yield losses are usually minimal, but in some specific cases, they can be consequent. Besides eggplants, alternative host plants include tomato, potato, sunflower, sage, cotton, nightshades and weedy horsenettle.

Preventive Measures

  • Monitor plants closely for signs of this insect.
  • Handpick the insects or the colonized leaves.
  • Remove volunteer plants or alternative hosts such as weedy horsenettle and nightshades.
  • Control insecticide use in order to not affect populations of beneficial insects.
  • Remove crop debris and weeds to eliminate overwintering sites for adults.

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