The severity of the symptoms depends on plant variety, developmental stage, virus strain and environmental conditions. Symptoms can range from inconspicuous interveinal chlorosis to severe light-green mosaic pattern with wrinkled leaves, necrotic leaf tips, stunting and death of plants. In some cases, the mottled areas have small, brown spots. Coinfection with other viruses can worsen the symptoms
Sorry, we don't know of any alternative treatment against PVX. Please get in touch with us in case you know of something that might help to fight this disease. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Always consider an integrated approach with preventive measures together with biological treatments if available. Chemical treatment of viral diseases is not possible.
The virus mostly infects solanaceous crops such as eggplant, potato, tobacco and pepper, as well as various weeds. Transmission occurs via direct contact with an infected plant, or via contaminated tools, detrimental cultural practices, or grasshoppers (Melanoplus differentialis or Tettigonia viridissima). Symptoms seem to develop more distinctly at 16-22°C. At higher ambient temperatures, symptoms are often masked.