Symptoms of infection vary with varieties, plant age and environmental conditions. Yellow to dark green mosaic patterns appear on leaf blades, giving them a mottled and deformed aspect, often starting from the tip. Brown to black lines and round spots of dead tissue material emerge on leaf veins and shoots. Buds and blossoms do not develop further. Tubers from infected plants are small and can have necrotic or dead rings on the skin. The whole plant's growth is compromised and the crop yield is diminished.
Weekly applications of mineral oil can reduce virus spread. It slows the uptake of the virus by the aphids and modifies their eating behavior, making them less prone to infect plants
Always consider an integrated approach with preventive measures together with biological treatments if available. Chemical treatment of viral diseases is not possible. However, insecticides can be used to reduce the population of aphids
The virus is highly infective. It mostly hits plants of the solanaceous family, like tomato, potato and pepper. It spreads via a variety of winged aphids, infested plant material and contaminated tools.