
Downy Mildew of Maize

Peronosclerospora sorghi


In a Nutshell

  • Occurrence of chlorotic streaks on leaves.
  • Stunted and bushy appearance.

Can also be found in



The formation of white downy growth occurs on both the upper and lower surface of the leaves. Shortening of internodes leads to the stunted and bushy appearance of the plants. A downy growth also occurs on bracts of green unopened male flowers in the tassel. Small to large leaves are noticed in the tassel.


Organic Control

Grow resistant varieties and hybrids.

Chemical Control

Always consider an integrated approach with preventive measures and available biological treatments. Treat seeds with systemic fungicides containing active ingredients like metalaxyl and mancozeb.

What caused it?

The damage is caused by the fungus, which grows as white downy growth on both surfaces of the leaves. The primary source of infection is through oospores in the soil and due to dormant mycelium present in the infected maize seeds. Once the fungus colonises the host tissue, sporangiophores emerge from stomata and produce conidia which are spread by rain and wind splash causing secondary infections.

Preventive Measures

  • Practice clean cultivation methods.
  • Thoroughly deep plough the soil.
  • Follow crop rotation with pulses.
  • Remove the infected plants.

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