Nitrogen Deficiency - Wheat

Wheat Wheat


Why are the leaves turning yellow?

The wheat was grown almost a month back! DAP, Potash were given while sowing it an urea was given 5-6 days back! I see some plants turning yellow, what could be the resons for the same?


Hi Vishav . I think it's Nitrogen Deficiency . Click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library. As per your explanation, you already applied nitrogen fertilizers, that is Urea. I think, this will give good results. Let's wait and see its response. If any other problem, send some more clear pictures with your proper query again please.


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Suresh Gollar hello sir!! Plucked some plants! This is what the roots look like! Could this be termite problem? If yes, how can it be controlled now?


Hi Vishav. Ok. Lets dig and see the exact effect on roots, stem, leaves etc. If found any symptoms, send clear and closer pictures with your proper query again please.


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