Suggest cure Regards umar khalid
Yellow leave from the bottom of plants Regards umar khalid
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Learn more about PlantixYellow leave from the bottom of plants Regards umar khalid
The over all crop is very good but after few rains thats happens with the crop. Not all the area but at the ratio of 30/100 of all the crop. Whats you people suggest what should i do.
All plant drying in field
Getting bround like image. any one know what this is ?
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
Know all about your crop to increase your yield!
Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Hi User. Umar Khalid. It's Iron Deficiency . Click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library.
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Get Plantix now for free!Manejebem
4 years ago
Ferrugem Amarela / Ferrugem Linear
4 years ago
If you click on the green hyperlink that takes you to Plantix Library where everyone can find details on this problem and control measures. 😊😊😉
4 years ago
Hi umar , Sometimes neechy waly patay zameen k ziada kareeb oty or neechy lgty rehty hain. us k elawa agr pani ziada dia jy to b asa munkin hy
4 years ago
Shahzaib Kashan Hello bhai, Thank you, Actually i irrigated it some day ago and then sprayed it with herbicide, so it happened, I think, Is there any reason to worry? Regards Umar khalid
4 years ago
Umar Khalid yeah this happens due to chemical side effect