Leaves are going to yellow
Plz tell what to do for it
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Leaves are mainly thin and yellow in colour
Gom sis sukia sadha hoche
Drying of wheat crop and patches on leaves shown in the above picture.
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Hi Chaudhry Haroon Fraz There are following reasons that may involve 1)This happens due to the attack of soil based insect like Termites (have you seen there any insects?) 2) Excessive use of fertilizers or watering 3)Is your land is levelled? Unleveled land encourage more water standing.
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4 years ago
آپ نے ابھی تک پہلا پانی کیوں نہیں لگایا ؟؟ اور میرے خیال میں آپ کی فصل زنک یا نائٹروجن یعنی یوریا کی کمی کا شکار ھے
4 years ago
Nitrogen deficiency
4 years ago
Wheat Stem Rust, spray fungicide as early as possible