What is the reason behind white lines on tomato leaf?And please suggest me any treatment for this.
I have 10 plants in my balcony,I am observed same lines on almost all plants.
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Learn more about PlantixI have 10 plants in my balcony,I am observed same lines on almost all plants.
The plant looks healthy otherwise . Those things on the stalk are not loose, seems not to be insects. Can anyone have an idea what can it be? Many thanks in advance. PS the brown line is from a string I used to hold the plant.
It first start with yellowing of leaves at the bottom. Usually experienced when the tomatoes start fruiting
The fruit rotting is on various parts of the plant. Some on lower truss some on upper truss
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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3 years ago
M Srikanth Reddy পাতার সুড়ঙ্গ সৃষ্টিকারী মাছি (lief minor insect)click on the green link for prevention and treatment. When you click on the green part its automatically translate to English. M Srikanth Reddy
3 years ago
M Srikanth Reddy Take the following steps. 👉Use yellow glue traps on the ground. 👉 For this purpose, it is applied on the yellow art paper with the coating of mobil or grease and it is drawn in the field with bamboo poles. Yellow plastic jars or other colored jars with yellow coating on the outside can be used as a trap with mobil or grease. The adult insects are attracted to the yellow color and die trapped in the mobil or grease. 5 ml Mix neem oil in every liter of water and spray 2-3 times every 7-10 days. If the level of attack is high, Thiamethaxam / Imidachloropid-- 0.5 gm per liter of water should be sprayed twice in 15 days.
3 years ago
Leaf minner Trizophos 25ml Actra 5grm/10lit sprey M Srikanth Reddy
3 years ago
Leaf miner
3 years ago
Hi M Srikanth Reddy It's Tomato Leaf Miner Please check this link for more details and preventive measures.
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3 years ago
M Srikanth Reddy It’s for the attack of Leaf Miner Flies or Tomato Leaf Miner. Please click the green links to see details information and take necessary action.
3 years ago
Fungel attack use neem oil spary or use Ginger garlic juice spary
3 years ago
M Srikanth Reddy Spray - abhacin -1ml/ltr Water and Isabion - 3ml/ltr Water.