Beginning of early blight or the deep irrigation I did last time?
Hi This is a 1 month tomato plant. Suddenly this morning I found it like there is a problem, it was fine before the last irrigation .. I used the previous weeks to do light irrigation since I had a thought about plastic pot they hold soil wet in the button for long time in this nowadays weather. But the last irrigation I did a deep watering till water came out from drainage holes. The plant suffers from this deep irrigation or something else? Btw, I have other plants and I feel they all turning yellow or some or you can say fighting turning yellow. Btw, I found this plant got one flowering branch this morning so I cut it to let it grow first.
3 years ago
Looks like that your plants have a characteristic symptom of Leaf Miner Flies attack and compare. Pls remove this lower leaves that is already infested and there might be larvae inside, so destroy this older leaves good for nothing 😁
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3 years ago
Sali I applied solution days ago for this and it is fine since that day, only after that deep irrigation it started yellowing, anyway I cut them even I found them becoming very yellow and I will wait to see how it goes. Thank you for replying Sali
3 years ago
Ahmed Shendy Thank you for taking appropriate measures.