The blooms are getting dropped
For closed blooms, it seems easily if I hit them by mistake they fall. For open blooms (they look like almost gonna mature) yesterday it was the fourth blooms to drop .. I have no idea if this is a deficiency or what? FYI The day before yesterday, I used a new pesticide (the one in screenshots, sorry that I cannot provide translation for its content) .. I bought it because I have too much whiteflies for this tomato, and the natural mixed from youtube were not working. I included the picture of tomato leaves because I suspect this is an issue of deficiency. All these leaves are on the first level, and this issue does not appear on leaves of other levels for same plant. Btw, one bloom just disappeared the day after I used that pesticide, and also two after the day I used a natural mix having Vinegar .. I thought to ignore this but maybe this is an issue to consider. Maybe I should cover blooms while using the pesticide, don't know.
3 years ago
Ahmed Shendy The leaf damage patterns have similarity with mechanical damage and severity is not alarming. Pls send the pictures of flowers and translate the chemicals active ingredients. So, we can ascertain if this is a fungicide or insecticide. However , pls let us know if it could be Calcium Deficiency for flower dropping. Pls use epson salt for magnesium and calcium sulphate.
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3 years ago
Hi Sali, Thanks for the answer. Here is the translation: --- Nasr Lathion / Cheminova 57% Insecticide - Emulsifiable Diethyl (dimethoxythiophosphorylthio) succinate * Composed of Active Substance: (Malathion) 57% (Weight / Size) Inactive Substances: 43% (Weight / Size) Total: 100% The product is in the form of an emulsifiable concentrate 1 Litre of this for 570 gm of Active Substance * The Use It is for the fruit flies on citrus, the average is 100 cm / 20 litre + 5% "Attractive substance" --- I actually didn't know what "Attractive substance" to add to this insecticide while spraying it, so I only added it to water then sprayed.
3 years ago
Sali Regarding the picture of the flowers .. I cannot find them around, they just disappeared, one of them broken down in the soil I could not picture it.
3 years ago
Sali Regarding the epson salt, this plant got its dose in past 8 OCT .. but I will consider another dose next week I found somewhere also the issue in the leaves would relate to potassium deficiency .. and flower dropping would relate to phosphorus deficiency. I did use yeast solution mixed with molasses, I water the plant a little and next night I sprayed with NPK fertilizer with a high value of Potassium and Phosphate. I hope I am not hurting the plant and wish any recover soon.
3 years ago
Sali regarding the insecticide, I wish if you teach me if it really helps against at least the whiteflies and the aphid .. to know if the seller sold me true one or not .. he said it works against other ones but I cannot remember the name. I was told to bring another product for the eggs of the whiteflies but will take care of this later.
3 years ago
I think now it is potassium and phosphorus deficiency, alhamdulillh, it seem getting solved.
3 years ago
Ahmed Shendy brother, You took appropriate measures. Thank you for the great efforts to placing here the translation. Malathion will definitely work against surface insects like fruit flies. For whiteflies we recommend chemicals are available by clicking on Whiteflies. You can simply use neem oil to control the nymph present underside of the leaves. Or Sugar Apple oil could be a best alternative. For Aphids, Imidacloprid is a most proven chemical. Hope that it helps 😂
3 years ago
Sali yeah, I can agree with you, I think the product I bought does not help at all.