What is the cause of this crack
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My tomato plant has stopped growing. Tomatoes stopped growing after hot temperature started. No more tomatoes have come up. Leaves are wilting. Tomatoes are half rotten. What seems to be the reason?
This is happening to my plant... Can you help me please?
I faced sudden low temperatures inside greenhouse near 9c at night for 2 about weeks, I gave herbicide with amino acids on folier before cold storm
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3 years ago
Hi Anil . It looks like Growth Cracks in Tomato . Click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library.
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3 years ago
صفة وراثية تظهرها عوامل بيئية كالعطش ثم الري بغزارة وخاصة في فترة اكتمال نمو الثمار وارتفاع درجات الحرارة ،ثم تصاب في فترة اكتمال نمو الثمار وارتفاع درجات ثم تصاب بالفطريات في مكان التشقق وينتشر العفن ثم تتلف الثمرة. الوفاية و العلاج الاهتمام بالري والتسميد البوتاسي الذى يساعد على صلابة الثمرة
3 years ago
Anil I agree with Suresh Gollar
3 years ago
Hi Anil In addition to cracking of the fruits, there are symptoms on the leaves, add more pictures to get to know them
3 years ago
Calcium deficiency
3 years ago
Bro it is boran deficience due to in rainy season the tomatoes crack like this use boran in the fertigation type or else broadcasting