This question is about:

Bacterial Wilt

Know how to handle this bacterial crop disease!


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Bacterial Wilt - Tomato

Tomato Tomato


My maximum 60 plants dye in 4 days Why?

Plants was very big they have flowers also but they dyeing


Shaik Simran White Grub or Bacterial Wilt Click on above green link so that we can get detail information along with control measures in Plantix library. ☺️☺️🌱🌱


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What medicine can use for this diseas


Shaik Simran First check for presence of larvae


Shaik Simran there is no effective medicine for this. Only way to control this is remove affected plants with surrounding soil without touching healthy plants. And burn them outside field. It's soil born disease so avoid sprays they are not gonna work. And ask to local agri shops if any fungicide working for that. And apply it. Always use bio stimulants like isabion for better growth and healtHy plants.


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