Bacterial diseases of Tomato
Due to continuous rain from last fortnight in all potential tomato growing tracks of Maharashtra, bacterial diseases caused by Xanthomonas & Pseudomonas syringae are in high node. Preventive measures: 1. Select less densed varieties. 2. Use polymulch. 3. Maintain wide spacing. 4. Prepare beds in East-West direction to ensure proper aeration. 5. Follow efficient weeding program. 6. Avoid overhead irrigation. 7. Use clean & disinfected tools. 8. Avoid excess Nitrogen. Curative measures: 1. Spray Copper base chemicals like Copper oxy chloride or Copper hydroxide along with antibiotics like Validamycin or Kasugamycin or Streptocyclin. 2. New chemicals like Dhanuka Conica and Swaroop Chemicals Aegis are showing fruitful results. Cultural measures: Plants usually prone to these diseases when received rain at night. Farmers in the vicinity of Pune especially in Purandhar taluka carryout water spray in the morning hours. Washing out of these bacterial spores shown very good control over such diseases.
4 years ago
Hi Venkat Pawar.. great information Venkat Pawar..
4 years ago
మ్యాన్ బ్ డ్. Srikarbiotak. Varidi
4 years ago
தக்காளியின் பாக்டீரியா புள்ளி நோய்
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4 years ago
Hi Venkat, Very good info, please tell me the dosage of Conica?