It's on stem...
Stem tote
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Plant is fine. This is only on this tomato and the one below it
Wilting the top part of the plant
As the picture above, black spot are developing slowly and sooner or later makes difficult for fruit to develop and it finally may drop immaturely, this happens to nearly all plants. help please
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Hi J Grant it's pith necrosis disease. Plesae click on this link:
4 years ago
Hello J Grant, So conspicuous but the outgrowth structures are root premortals that produce supportive roots to protect the plant from lodging. Hope that it makes a sense😂
4 years ago
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4 years ago
If this pests is looks like White powder just spray alcohol on it just make it wet and spray wood ash once that all gone even on the soil surface of your plants