My Tomato crops are affected by septoria leaf spot disease
My Tomato crops are affected by septoria leaf spot and I identified it at beginning stage itself with the help of plantix app and after I tried all the preventive measures and also the specified fungicides and bactericides but I can't control them. Now my field is completely affected by that disease. Please tell me how to get rid of it completely
4 years ago
Hi Balakumaran . It looks like Bacterial Spot and Speck of Tomato . Click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library.
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4 years ago
Bacterial Spot and Speck of Tomato Click on above green link so that you can get detail information along with control measures in Plantix library. Balakumaran
4 years ago
I tried all the control measures but I can't stop this disease from spreading
4 years ago
Hi Shanmuga Priya. Try to spray 7 times, between 7 days interval between each spray as mentioned in above green link. Each time you change chemicals as shown. I think it might works for you.
4 years ago
Spray cristocyclocine 3g per 14lit on all parts