Flea Beetles - Tomato

Tomato Tomato


Hi all. I'm trying to figure out what this disease, watering/sun problem, or bacteria is. Does anyone know what is wrong?

The leaves are turning yellow, the veins of some of the leaves also turned dark. Some leaves curl down, but aren't very hard or thick. The ends of leaves are turning yellow, curling down, and turning brown. I did see 2-3 leafhoppers on the plant, and 10-20 tiny caterpillars. I treated the plant and the soil with Safer Caterpillar killer and Neem oil. The neem oil is the white sheen you may see on some of the leaves. Also, the plant is either dropping fruit or an insect is disconnecting them from the plant. The fruit on the ground is hollowed out (perhaps a bug ate them). There are some tiny greyish white mushrooms in the soil. I assumed these were from the dirt I used. The fruit falls off before it can ripen.


Hello Jessica Junlee, As per your given pictures and the details in your description, I guess your plants have some minor damages, and hopefully those can be troubleshooted successfully. Pls don't worry about! The symptoms show that initially your plants got enough nutrients and being your place partly shady, the vegetative growth was high for what Whiteflies become abundant. After fruit bearing, your plants were in need of extra fertilizations, so due to lack of it older leaves came forward to supplement it. As a result, the leaf tips showing burnt or necrotic appearance. As the fruit started growing, Helicoverpa Caterpillar attacked few fruits and you observed the caterpillars. The tiny perforations on the leaves are due to Flea Beetles attack. I should recommend you to trim the older leaves and apply some wood ashes at the base of the plant in order to balance the excess moisture at the crown level. Pls ck in Plantix Library by clicking on green hyperlinks and review the details on how to manage the insects successfully. You can spray copper oxychloride wettable powder dissolved in water up to 20 cm on the stem from the base of the plant that protects fungus from the soil or rain splashes. Hope that you get huge tomatoes in this season 😊


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Sali Hi, thank you so much! I appreciate the detailed information. Do you have any idea on why the plant was dropping fruits? I know sometimes plants do this when they are sick or diseased, in order to have offspring for when it dies.


Dear Jessica Junlee, I cultivated cherry tomatoes last year, flower and premature fruit drop may occur from excessive leaf sucking by whiteflies, but in your case it seems like that attack is not too intense. Pls apply potassium based fertilisers, say potassium nitrate that enhance fruit bearing ability. Pls expose you plant to uniform sunlight access, so I requested you to trim older affected leaves and unnecessary branches or twigs. Ck my plant last season 😁 Best Luck😊


Thank you! Sali


Great recommendation Sali sir 🙂🙂.


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