What is causing this to my tomatos plant? Solution?
Yellowing spots and holes in leaves. Crop seems fine.
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixYellowing spots and holes in leaves. Crop seems fine.
I provide fertilizer on some plants and not apply the dosage on the rest one but all of them are drying up. It's about a three weeks after after transplanting. Also provide me the knowledge to water them as well.
This is the first time this has happened, the necrotic area is very hard, the leaves are green and curled, the plants are flowering
The tomatoe plants have this black thing on them..
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Hi Mohammad Kaddoura It might be due to Helicoverpa Caterpillar or Flea Beetles. Please check this link for more details and preventive measures.
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4 years ago
I am having issues with flea beetles.They seem to be running rampant this year. Type in flea beetles and you will see that farmers are fighting them everywhere. You can smash them easily. They do not like peppermint oil /soap spray. Seems the only way I can keep them off my plants
4 years ago
There most likely flea beetles or caterpillars you can look up on google or somthing and look up how to prevent then
4 years ago
Grandma Emily Sreekanth M Bill Smith any organic treatment that can be easily applied to small home garden?
4 years ago
Neem oil spray mix 2 tablespoons of neem oil ,1 tablespoon of a biodegradeable dish to 1 gal of water sprayer (test spray ) . Wait until honey bees are down for the night. Spray top and underside I got the recipe from the Rustic Garden on YouTube. I will smother soft body insects and kill chewing bugs. I relocated any caterpillars.
4 years ago
Peppermint oil spray i use 30 drops to 32 oznof water and only enough soap to disperse oil shake frequently
4 years ago
Peppermint oil will mask the plants damaged by fungus or insects. Insects will attack damaged plants