The blooms are getting dropped
For closed blooms, it seems easily if I hit them by mistake they fall.
For open blooms (they look like almost gonna mature) yesterday it was the fourth blooms to drop ..
I have no idea if this is a deficiency or what?
The day before yesterday, I used a new pesticide (the one in screenshots, sorry that I cannot provide translation for its content) .. I bought it because I have too much whiteflies for this tomato, and the natural mixed from youtube were not working.
I included the picture of tomato leaves because I suspect this is an issue of deficiency. All these leaves are on the first level, and this issue does not appear on leaves of other levels for same plant.
Btw, one bloom just disappeared the day after I used that pesticide, and also two after the day I used a natural mix having Vinegar .. I thought to ignore this but maybe this is an issue to consider.
Maybe I should cover blooms while using the pesticide, don't know.
4 years ago
S C Symptoms are quite similar to Tomato Leaf Miner and Tomato Late Blight initiation. Click on above green link so that we can get detail information along with control measures in Plantix library ☺️☺️
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4 years ago
I would prune the lower branches nearest the dirt and prune the tops and remove the suckers. Looks like it needs some good air circulation up there.