Phosphorus Deficiency - Tomato

Tomato Tomato


One of my tomatoes looks like it maybe has fusarium wilt, but when I cut a branch off the inside was healthy looking, so reddish part. Question is: is that always part of FW? Or is something else possible?

Yellowing leaves on lower branches and some wilting, mostly on those branches, not over the whole plant.


Hi Petrichor it seems نقص النيتروجين, click on the green link to get more information


Deficiencia de nitrógeno Deficiencia de fósforo Petrichor


If you click on the green hyperlink that takes you to Plantix Library where everyone can find details on this problem and control measures. 🤠🌱


Hello Petrichor, I agree with Manejebem | Artur, so pls try to add TSP or SSP or any phosphatic fertilizer dissolved in water. Hope that your plant may start recovering gradually. Pls ck in my plant that was also suffering from Phosphorus Deficiency. Now it’s showing no deficiency and I got good harvest.


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