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Early Blight

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Early Blight - Tomato

Tomato Tomato


Which is these disease ?these will cure?cure then please give it's treatment for control it.these is the very serious problem in tomato farm.

These is the brownish patches observe on the stem of tomato at growing stage, it grow up to all circular patch on the stem and cause damping of and whole plant will die.for it's control I had spray "copper oxychloride "(blue copper)can it control ?give some recomndation on it or control measures .


Sagar Raut Control Early Blight by spraying Nativo + Streptocyclin


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Great Diagnosis Venkat Pawar. 👌👌 Concentric circles or ring is the characteristic symptom of Early Blight in tomato. How many plants show such symptoms? From my practical experience, I should recommend to minimize the wounds by scrapping that show initial symptoms. Then apply the chemicals as mentioned by Venkat Pawar.. I hope those plants will definitely survive. See my plant that I treated accordingly. At last it survived and produced good fruits. Pls try it Sagar Raut 😊, go ahead to use the resources in Plantix Library that are available by clicking on green hyperlink for detailed control measures and preventives.


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