I can't figure out what to do. What is a good product to use for this. What would be the best for phosphorus?
Color changes on leaves and stunted growth
Know all about proper fertilization to prevent deficiencies and improve your yield!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixColor changes on leaves and stunted growth
Plant is wilting. Leaf are yellow and shrinking Roots seems to be swelling. Unable to understand the problem.
Early Cheroke Tomatoes looking grayish yellow in color. This is fresh soil, 2 parts compost 1 part perlite 1 part peat moss. Most other tomato variations and other cheorke saplings are appearing darker green in color.
Tamato kaylu ella vachindhi ae chemical spray chehali.please thelpandie
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
Know all about your crop to increase your yield!
Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Hi Debbie Harris-Hunter. Phosphorus Deficiency Click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library. Try well and take care of your Tomato plant please.
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4 years ago
Thank you
4 years ago
You are always welcome and we are happy to help you Debbie Harris-Hunter.