What could be wrong with my greenhouse tomato plant?
Yellowing of leaves beginning from the youngest leaves in the middle of the plant
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Learn more about PlantixYellowing of leaves beginning from the youngest leaves in the middle of the plant
The leaves are turning yellow, the veins of some of the leaves also turned dark. Some leaves curl down, but aren't very hard or thick. The ends of leaves are turning yellow, curling down, and turning brown. I did see 2-3 leafhoppers on the plant, and 10-20 tiny caterpillars. I treated the plant and the soil with Safer Caterpillar killer and Neem oil. The neem oil is the white sheen you may see on some of the leaves. Also, the plant is either dropping fruit or an insect is disconnecting them from the plant. The fruit on the ground is hollowed out (perhaps a bug ate them). There are some tiny greyish white mushrooms in the soil. I assumed these were from the dirt I used. The fruit falls off before it can ripen.
Yesterday was fine, over night came out to find the plant eating and it's maybe an inch and a half big.
Tomoto crop in Uttar Pradesh, India. Please name the dease and treatment options
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Anton Ck if there's anything like Iron Deficiency
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