Fusarium wilt in tomato, Please provide solution.
Growth of plant stunned, Leaves turning yellow and there is a fungus on stem at about 1 inch from the soil. It is fusarium wilt. I have already applied Metalaxyl, Copper oxychloride and Captan+Hexagone in this but nothing is working in this problem. Please provide the better solution.
4 years ago
Hi Aamir Khan. For Fusarium Wilt . Click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library.
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4 years ago
Hi Suresh Gollar , I have gone through this link, But there is no chemical solution in it. Please suggest some alternative or chemical product that can be used to cure this disease.
4 years ago
Hi Aamir Khan. Click on green link where you will get this enclosed chemical details.