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Early Blight

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Early Blight - Tomato

Tomato Tomato


Chendi on tomato is going on, please so suggest me ur advice how to prevent it as soon as possible.

My problem is depicted by the image


Hi Krishna Gopal Nishad ! This is Blossom End Rot in your tomato crop. For details please click the link above to plantix library. Thanks for visiting plantix community


Great effort Krishna Gopal Nishad for upvoting my comments


It's looks like முன்கருகல் நோய் Click on above green link so that you can get detail information along with control measures in Plantix library. Krishna Gopal Nishad


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I have also communicat with a agriculture related shop he told me spray cafiro top . I do not know what is combination of it . I hope you know better about please give me some valuable information. Thnak you


Krishna Gopal Nishad ji Cabrio Top,is BASAF company fungicide combination active ingredient pyraclostrobin + metiram 5 + 55% WG, used at the rate of 1.5 - 2.0 kg f.p./ha, has a high fungicide activity. You can also use Nativo which is Tebuconazole and Trifloxystrobin. But I feel that sanitation and use of Carbendazim + copperoxychloride (1:1) 0.25% will be more effective. against early Blight pathogen. However, you have to ensure proper nutrition and irrigation to avoid ca deficiency which causes blossom end Rot also. Thanks for visiting plantix community


Great effort Puspendu Naskar for upvoting my comments


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