A pest attacking flowers of my tomato. What will do
The flowers of my tomato plants are fall off after pollination. All flowers are losing. No other damages to plant.what will do? Which pest is this?
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Learn more about PlantixThe flowers of my tomato plants are fall off after pollination. All flowers are losing. No other damages to plant.what will do? Which pest is this?
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4 years ago
Hi Maya Please monitor the signs of pest. Are you sure about pollination? Or its the case of flower drop.
4 years ago
Yes newly bloomed flowers haven't any problems. After pollination the petals are dried then it is fall off. I found a small red insect in plant. But don't know which one is that.
4 years ago
Maya I think, it is due to lack of pollination. Can you upload picture of that insect. Other possibility is nutrient deficiency like Boron Deficiency.
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4 years ago