This is a severe problem plz tell us the solution all the tomato has the black holes by tuta-absoluta insect...and I have done lot of sprays for this but the result is still zero ...plz guide us with the solution
This is a severe problem plz tell us the solution all the tomato has the black holes by tuta-absoluta insect...and I have done lot of sprays for this but the result is still zero ...plz guide us with the solution Thanku sir .
4 years ago
حفار أوراق الطماطم ،click on the green link to get more informations
4 years ago
Hi Vaibhav Patil. It's Tomato Late Blight and Leaf Miner Flies . Click on green links for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library.
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4 years ago
Go for spraying of spinosad
4 years ago
Spray tracer 0.5ml/lit with DDVP 1ml/lit is first spray second spray with Acrobat 1gm/lit with plantomysin
4 years ago
Spray Novaluron/Acephate. If there are any powdery mildew symptoms (not clearly visible in the picture) spray wettable sulfur.