Please suggest me which insect is cutting my plant leaf. Suggest solution.
In my tomato plot leaf cutting plants. In bunch of of 2-3.
Learn more about this insect and how to defend your crops!
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Learn more about PlantixIn my tomato plot leaf cutting plants. In bunch of of 2-3.
What is the name of this beetle? How to control it?
the leaves are witnessing curl and the growth was stunted too, the growth picked up after monsoon rains and new leaves are normal. The plant is infested with mealy bugs but that I am already treating. I am afraid if the new leaves will curl in future
I observed these kind of black spots on the stem of tomato. What can be the reason and what is the disease and its control?
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Hi Balram Bhade. Sent image is not clear due to night picture. Through, I think it's Black Cutworm effect. Lets check symptoms by clicking on green link for taking control measures from Plantix library. Also use fertilizer calculater, crop Advisory, see all tasks and weather report sections available here on home page of Plantix to increase your crop productivity.
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