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Firm consistently on one side
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Kindly suggest how to overcome the problem caused by 2 days thunderstorm. Fruiting plants got wounded and several branches are broken. At stems of many plants black sopts are observed. Which spray would help me to revive it again.
My tomatoes plants are developing yellow coloration a specially for the older leaves. New shoots don't have the colour but they eventually develop the characteristic.
I faced sudden low temperatures inside greenhouse near 9c at night for 2 about weeks, I gave herbicide with amino acids on folier before cold storm
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Hi Pravin ! This is due to infection of fruits by fungus Alterneria solani, incitant of Early Blight in tomato. This disease affects more to older plants. To prevent this you can use protective fungicide like chlorothalonil or copperoxychloride. Thanks for visiting plantix community.
4 years ago
Hi Pravin. Your Tomato is suffering from Tomato Leaf Miner and Tomato Late Blight . Click on green links that will take you to Plantix library where everyone can find details of problem along with control measures.
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