Nitrogen Deficiency - Tomato

Tomato Tomato


More than half of old leaves are turning yellow and then go dry. Younger leaves are not affected. What this could be?

More than half of old leaves are turning yellow and then go dry. Younger leaves are not affected. Growing this crop in hydroponics with calculated nutrients. Changing nutrient solution earlier than recommended. I don't think this is iron deficiency.


Hi Devendra Lokhande. Can you share some more clear day time full plant pictures.


Sure. I will take another picture tomorrow morning. Thanks


I have cut many of such yellow leaves.


Hi Devendra Lokhande . As per your sent image: One side by plant might be showing wilting symptoms. I suspect it might be Bacterial Wilt . It's also effected by Leaf Miner Flies too. Again, lower levels of plant is showing similar symptoms of Early Blight and Nitrogen Deficiency. Lets check by clicking on green links given here.


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