Need help powdery insect attack on tomato.
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Some green bugs are eating tomatos and plant stem
What is the reason for this?
Hi, hope all is healthy and well on your side. This is tomato and suddenly the leaves started to be as on picture like they started to wither, but not dry... Not sure what can cause this to happen... Could someone help please? Thanks a lot in advance!
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
Hi Dda Agriculture Dir Upper, It seems the attack of Mealybug Click the above tag to know all info about control measures.
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5 years ago
Mealy bugs attack, apply mosplan and karatay mixed, it will be controlled.
5 years ago
Give Dda Agriculture Dir Upper ! Greetings from India. This is rightly diagnosed by Esteemed experts . Give spray of 5ml liquid soap in 1 lit water. If needed repeat after 5 days. Your problem will be resolved. All the best
5 years ago
پانی میں نیلا توتھا ملا کر سپرے کر دو ۔مگر احتیاط سے کیوں کے نیلا توتھا خطرناک زہر ہے ۔استمال کے بعد ہاتوں کو اچھی طرح سے صاف کر لینا
4 years ago
Polytren-c ka spray kary
4 years ago
Gul Sher bhai it's very simple take 5 ml liquid detergent in 1 lit water and spray it on affected part of plant, if needed give 2nd spray after 5 days, the problem will be resolved. All the best
4 years ago
Sir ya bhi right hy if polytren ,c bitter