Solution for the cause? Black spots on the fruit.
There are black spots on tomato fruits
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Learn more about PlantixThere are black spots on tomato fruits
I have been growing tomatoes outside my house for the past 2 years, but for some reason this keeps happening to them at fruiting stage . Soil is some what bit Claudette but I soften it by tillage. I water the plant once a day by puddeling it. Although there is a bit of grass near it and some weeds, but besides that no vivid insect was found on the leafs But it did have a few ladybird beetles on it.
My tomato is 41 days old no any disease but no i found this symptoms here on top leave only
Tomato leaf yellow vastunnai a pandu kottali
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
Naveen Kumar اصابة بدودة الثمار
5 years ago
Hi Naveen Kumar. This might be Bacterial Spot of Tomato. You can try spraying Mancozeb, and Copper-based fungicides.
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5 years ago
Herbert Dustin Aumentado Isnt this due to any deficiency?
5 years ago
Hi Naveen Kumar. No Sir, I think it is caused by a bacteria, Xanthomonas spp. due to high moisture (heavy rain, fog or dew). The infection generally occurs thru wounds made by insects, wind, rain and/or high pressure spraying. Warm temp. combined with heavy rains or sprinkler irrigation favor this disease.
5 years ago
Herbert Dustin Aumentado what shall we do now to reduce sir??
5 years ago
Naveen Kumar You can try spraying fungicides with active ingredient of Mancozeb and Copper-based fungicides.
5 years ago
Thank you so much friend 😊
5 years ago
do score for this cause
4 years ago
The perfect solution for late blight of tomato is score + z-78+ bactriomycine