Black spots on tomatoe
Suggest solution Even though it is not matured plant after getting decease it get ripened. Please say the causes and solution
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Learn more about PlantixSuggest solution Even though it is not matured plant after getting decease it get ripened. Please say the causes and solution
Crop is not good the leaf, s are dryed and the plant is not good
Insect is in green colour
Which chemical have to spray
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
Rajesh L Please click on Blossom End Rot for detail information
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5 years ago
Agree with Venkat Pawar. Sir this is due to deficiency called Blossom End Rot in tomato just use foliar of calcium chloride and remove the infected tomato from plants thanks for visiting plantix