What is problem that I dont no please tell me what is ?
Why are dark point in plant
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Learn more about PlantixWhy are dark point in plant
Plants drooped down within night in nursary beds in december.
The leaves are turning yellow, the veins of some of the leaves also turned dark. Some leaves curl down, but aren't very hard or thick. The ends of leaves are turning yellow, curling down, and turning brown. I did see 2-3 leafhoppers on the plant, and 10-20 tiny caterpillars. I treated the plant and the soil with Safer Caterpillar killer and Neem oil. The neem oil is the white sheen you may see on some of the leaves. Also, the plant is either dropping fruit or an insect is disconnecting them from the plant. The fruit on the ground is hollowed out (perhaps a bug ate them). There are some tiny greyish white mushrooms in the soil. I assumed these were from the dirt I used. The fruit falls off before it can ripen.
Hi all, small brown spots in my tomato leaves. And leaves are curled downwards as well. No pests in the leaves not even underside. These plants are sitting indoors by a large window. Is it because of the high temperature? During the day time the temperature around the plants are quite high due to the glass window. Any help or tip mates? Many thanks.
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
Hi Praveenkalshetty3 it could be associated due to chewing insect also look like Chilli Cercospora Leaf Spot just use 5 gm sulpher+1 ml diafentheuron mix in 1 ltr water and spray on it thanks for visiting plantix
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5 years ago
Please tell.me what is this disease plz
5 years ago
Already mention you diafentheuron+coppor hydroxide mix both and spray on it
5 years ago
Blucopper 40 gm+ Difancozole 10 ml