How can lead minor flies protected.
Remedy of leaf minor flie
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I found it on my tomato fruit
Potato tuber
Tomato 🍅 leafs curling ipotunai
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
Kashmir Rawat Other than Leaf Miner Flies your tomato leaves have been infested with Broad Mite attack. Pls go ahead to click on the green hyperlink that takes you to plantix library for comparison and control measures.
5 years ago
Agree with sali sir Kashmir Rawat there is multiple attack of Leaf Miner Flies and Broad Mite have you heard about these formulations? Deltamethrine, abamectin, dimethoate, diafentheuron, acephate all work in this use one in this for control the mites attack
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5 years ago
Let me add that a mixture of Abamectin +Emamectin Benzoate 6 WDG has two lateral actions for suppressing both mites and miner flies grubs.
5 years ago
Abamectin +emamectin will give results Sali agreed with your recommendation