Summer Tomato Cultivation Tips
1. Always try to include NPK fertilizer, Neem cake, Magnesium sulphate & Micronutrients in Basal dose. If you are using DAP then avoid using Micronutrients.
2. Avoid dense plantation to facilitate better aeration and thus retard various pest and disease infestation.
3. For better root development carryout drenching with Potassium humate and humic acid just 4 to 5 days after transplanting.
4. For better branching give Calcium Nitrate and Ferrous (Iron) 10 days after transplanting.
5. Start regular fertigation from 12 days and use 19:19:19 or 13:40:13 during vegetative period. Avoid using 19:19:19 in prolonged cloudy environment as the leaves become tender and attracts sucking pest infestation.
6. In flowering and fruit setting stage use 12:61:00 & 00:52:34 alternately.
7. To control flower drop use phosphorus fertilizers like 12:61:00 or 13:40:13 & also spray Boron or NAA.
8. During picking use 13:40:13, 00:52:34, Potassium Schoenite and 00:00:50 alternately. This sequence will catalyze flowering, fruit set, fruit size, color development, firmness and transport capacity.
9. From flowering stage give Calcium Nitrate once in 10 days along with Boron. Calcium deficiency leads to Blossom end rot while Boron deficiency causes flower drop, dull fruit color, fruit puffiness and causes severe yield drop.
10. Due to slow mobility of Calcium and Boron, they should be backed up with rapid mobile nutrients like Magnesium or Sulphur to catalyze their uptake.
11. For better white root development use Micorhiza or humic acid after every 12 to 15 days.
12. On every new moon day use Trichoderma Hargenium. Overnight it should be soaked in water along with black jaggery and should be drenched on next day. This treatment is very effective against Nematode.
13. From first fortnight regularly give Trichoderma, Psudomonas and Bacillus alternately at weekly interval. These are very effective against many fungal and bacterial diseases and saves spraying cost.
14. Mix Micronutrients should be generally used in the evening hours at an interval of 10 to 12 days.
15. For effective control of Blight try to raise Phosphorus level in Plant and for controlling Powdery mildew raise Potassium level and then carryout respective fungicidal sprays.
16. Generally avoid Topping or prunning in open field cultivation as this may create entry points for various fungal and viral diseases.
17. Carryout sprays of plant extracts like Neem or Bougainville as they work as repellent against sucking pests.
18. Sprays of Butter Milk also shown fruitful results against virus.
Suggestions for better Management:
1. Sow 3 to 4 dense lines of Maize one week before transplanting as border crop. It causes hindrance in movement of Thrips & white flies & also protects tomato plants from hot wind waves.
2. Transplant some Marigold seedling in between tomato plants for effective control of Nematodes.
3. If you are using last season's staking material (Bamboos & wires) than it is suggested to spray acaricide on those Wires & Bamboos before installation. This single spray of Acaricide protects the crop from future damage due to Red Mites.
4. Use Yellow & Blue sticky traps for controlling of white flies, thrips & fruit flies.
+ 29Phosphorus Deficiency
5 years ago
Shiv Sai Kalava This is severe attack of Leaf Miner Flies and Powdery Mildew . Click on above links for more details.
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