Spider Mites - Tomato

Tomato Tomato


Theese Seeds tommatoes farming in my greenhouse....plants are growing almost 4ft.. flowers are more but fruit setting is not done . I don't know why more flowers are droping... in each plant having only 10 to 12 fruits

Theese Seeds tommatoes farming in my greenhouse....plants are growing almost 4ft.. flowers are more but fruit setting is not done . I don't know why more flowers are droping... in each plant having only 10 to 12 fruits


Dhanajaya Karagunda I think this variety is of open field and you have tried it in greenhouse. This flower drop might be due to lack of pollination.


Hi Dhanajaya Karagunda . As rightly said by Venkat Pawar. you can try pollination by keeping honey bee boxes to increase fruit set. 3rd pictures indecates Spider Mites . Let's check by clicking on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures too.


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