Spider Mites - Tomato

Tomato Tomato


Tomatoes flowerong but no tomatoes

I have two pots with tomatoes.One plant flowered enough but didnt turn into tomatoes.Slowly I noticed all leaves in other plants in the pot started curling followed by the one that flowers.In another pot too, flowers are blooming but leaves are turning yellow.Can you please help me to understand as to why are flowers not becoming tomatoes.


Hi Rinku . On zooming and closer observation, I think your tomato plants are suffering from Spider Mites . Click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures. It might also be due to overwatering waterlogging and direct watering on plant - avoid it. Make a hole below the pot to drain out excessive water from the pot.


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So there are two pots.Is the yellow symptom due to over warering.because in another pot, water flows out easily and plants are drying up


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