Blossom End Rot - Tomato

Tomato Tomato


Is it a Tomato Disease or some insect or any other pest. ? How do I treat it?

I have been growing tomatoes outside my house for the past 2 years, but for some reason this keeps happening to them at fruiting stage . Soil is some what bit Claudette but I soften it by tillage. I water the plant once a day by puddeling it. Although there is a bit of grass near it and some weeds, but besides that no vivid insect was found on the leafs But it did have a few ladybird beetles on it.


Hi!! It looks Podridão Apical  Please check the link to see description of the symptoms and control measures 


yeah it seems physological diorder due to lack of Nutrational deficency. Click the blow tag to know more about it. Blossom End Rot


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Shahzaib Kashan and Mattana - Fitocon | Manejebem Thank you very much it actually was blossom end rot.... !! Just need to supply some calcium .. If you don't mind me asking.... they said in the description that use nitrate fertilizer rather than ammonia for prevention ... Whats the reason behind that ???


You're welcome Mian Safwaat Ali Gul


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