Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus - Tomato

Tomato Tomato


They are the no growth of sometimes. These plants very small and looser

They are the very small and hateful .sir please says the answer Please write the name of any chemical


Hi Arun Kumar .Tomato effect due to virusTomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus .Control management click above green link.


Hi Arun Kumar , tomato symptoms looks like leaf curl viral disease . More information for diagnosis and control measures review at Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus . For control to spray on imidacloprid 0.6 ml per liter of water. Thank you


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Arun Kumar as mentioned it is the attack of LC virus . It spread due to sucking insect pest like aphids or thrips . By controlling this insects you can reduced this disease . Do the application of Thaimethoxam to kill these inscets .


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