Are these bugs Aphids and how to get rid of them?
I noticed infestations of these bugs on one of my tomato plants. Last week I had 2 plants that just wilted out of nowhere. I wonder if these bugs are the culprit. I didnt search for them on those plants. But I do see them on one of my healthy plants. Any solutions?
5 years ago
Hi Pierre Lawson your are right this are Blattläuse .Click on the green link to get more informations and control measures on the plantix libary.
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5 years ago
Thank you. Upon further research I see that soap and water can get rid of these. Also Ladybugs eat them and planting marigold nearby helps bring natural predators to eat them. Also destroy ants because they protect aphids and cause them to thrive so I also laid down ant repellent to assist.
5 years ago
اكيد ماده الصابون حاره على الحشره بس يوجد عائق على الشجره لنه يقوم بتقطيه مسامات النبات وحتا الزيت وفي حلو كثيره بس الافضل بان ترش بمبيد حشري يعمل بلملاامسه وعن طريق المعده والتركيبه هيا نيمسدين عباره عن مختصلص من الاعشبه من اشجار المريمر الطبيعيه ونا مجربه وفعال ميه ميه وماله تاثير على الشجره