What's happen to my plant ? Please help .
It is happening to only 1 plant and it is the only plant yet to grow tomatoes but now it's growth is banded together with the white and yellow leaf with small holes . I am watering it even daily and a month ago I have tried and neem juice to spread on it from bug but this time I really don't know what is the problem.
5 years ago
Venkat Pawar. I really appreciate your help . Thanks a lot I will try it again.
5 years ago
It is a karpa take advise from professional
5 years ago
Hi Yash . Send day time pictures. Through I suspect, your tomato plant is severely effected by Leaf Miner Flies . Let's click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures.
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5 years ago
Leaf miner alone not produce that much level of symptoms sir..