What is the disease and its control?
I observed these kind of black spots on the stem of tomato. What can be the reason and what is the disease and its control?
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Learn more about PlantixI observed these kind of black spots on the stem of tomato. What can be the reason and what is the disease and its control?
Tomoto flowers falling without any reason
Using agniastra (concoction made of cow urine, ginger, garlic, green chilli, neem leaves) is it helpful in controlling?
I grow my tomato plants about 1 1/2 months ago But you can see results, they are growing very slow
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
Hi! How is the rest of the plant looking? Can you provide some more pictures? Can you see any spots or black areas on the leaves? My first guess would be Tomato Late Blight .
5 years ago
Thank you for the response sir.. I also guessed the same..however unlike late blight there are no black patches in the leaves and fruits..i guessed this as alternaria stem canker..if i am correct..
5 years ago
But also alternaria stem canker should show symptoms on the leaves after sometime. How many plants are infected?
5 years ago
Rosun Adhikari I agree with Alexander Kennepohl though, my photo is an example for stem rot of tomato, please compare. Stem Rot of Tomato
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