Sir please help me 1 acre land affected in this disease
Leaves are dried in conditions and also affected by viruses please help me fast
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Learn more about PlantixLeaves are dried in conditions and also affected by viruses please help me fast
His mature leaves have been tough and curled for quite some time but they remain green and he continues to grow. Lately I have noticed some yellowing towards the bottom. I can't decide if he has a deficiency or a disease (or I'm just crazy). This is my first year doing tomatoes so I do not have much experience but I am doing my best.
In How many days come after applying Ridomil+ chloroporophas ( I have applied yesterday)
The leaves of some of the nursery tomato turning yellow
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
Hi Mekalasunil90 .Tomato leaves caused by virus Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus .Control mesurs and management click above green link.
5 years ago
Hi Mekalasunil90 , please share some more close up images of the infected leaves and fruits, that's surely a severe disease and we will try to help as we can, you can simply click on edit and add the images to your question
5 years ago
or Venkat Pawar. do you have an idea?
5 years ago
This is not virus. Not sure but looks like either Powdery Mildew or Pesticide Burn or Fertilizer Burn . Please share few more pics for perfect diagnosis.
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5 years ago
Rob sir ji, Venkat Pawar. Might be right. It needs back history to know for better confirmation, if I think so. Hence Mekalasunil90 . Please give back history clarity to confirm the cause. Thanks for visiting.