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I'm working on a vertical farming prototype in which I plant TOMATOE and BRINJAL PLANTS.They are growing good but after some week thier leaves and stream is looking weak what to do I'm using nkp 18:18:18 and mixture of perlite and one more thing how to save my plant?
5 years ago
Hi Er Bhavit Singh , tomato symptoms looks like Potassium Deficiency . More information for diagnosis and control measures review by click above the green hyperlink. Thank you
5 years ago
Sir I'm using npk 18:18:18 and perlite,*elite. Tell me that this will work or not
5 years ago
Hi Er Bhavit Singh . Apart above it also looks like effect of Spider Mites . Click on green link to know symptoms and taking control measures. Thanks for visiting.
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5 years ago
Occur due to potassium deficiency