Why are the leaves on my tomato plant curling?
I sprayed 4 types of chemical till now with in last 20 days but still no change in leafs 1)Accttis Actara Magic Super confidor Cabrio top 2)bayer profiler Actra Ecomite Super confidor 3)antracol Jump Newecomite Rage Still not getting control what to do?
5 years ago
Hi Darshan Darsh . Your tomato leaf curling is due to sevear effect of Aphids. Click on green link for control measures. Thanks for visiting.
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5 years ago
There is no insects on plants. It's not aphids. Tomato plant brand is abhinav
5 years ago
Hi Darshan Darsh . Any Plant died till now and showing spread of dying symptoms ? . Your land is with weeds, also check insect presence on weed too during cool period. Thanks for visiting.
5 years ago
No not a single plant died till now and no insect on grass also
5 years ago
Hi Darshan Darsh . I am sorry, inavertantly pressed on link Aphids . The upward curling of leaves might be due to effect of Thrips . Go for weeding and symultaniously take control measures. Let's click on green link of Thrips for knowing symptoms and taking control measures. Thanks for visiting.
5 years ago
Thanks sir