What could be a problem here?
One or two leaves (bottom leaves) to some plants have this, others are evergreen. No sign of any pest, insect attached underleaves. Been using fungicide (mancozeb+metalaxil-m) and insecticide (cypermethrin+chlorpyrifos). Its flowering stage so i have started spraying some vegimax foliar earlier this week.
5 years ago
Hi Chiza Gordon ! It looks like Queima por Fertilizantes ou Pesticidas or nutritional deficiency. Have you noticed any other symptoms?
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5 years ago
No other symptom(s) apart from that, has been fertilized once with NPK (17,17,17) and twice with CAN (calcium based, nitrogen) and boosted thrice with supergro foliar before flowering, last sunday sprayed with vegimax for flowering
5 years ago
عليك برش سلفولاك كبريت او كبريتات النحاس والتسميد سوبر فوسفات ثلاثى
5 years ago
lt looks like fertilizer burn