My tomato plants look like they got hit by white spray paint.
They were very healthy the other day but now for some reason their leaves are turning white. They are the older leaves on the plant. So I do not think that it is iron deficiency. But I did just stick them outside for full sun for the first time. What do you think is it going on?
5 years ago
Hi Kristina Welcome to Plantix Community and greetings from India. I think this is Sun burn. Just tip off those affected leaves. Thanks
5 years ago
It looks like Queimadura Solar Abiótica
5 years ago
But its so white...when I have seen sunburn before plants usually get yellow and brown...not white. That's why I thought it was weird. Hmmm...perhaps. I guess I will just wait it out. Thanks y'all!
5 years ago
But there is no symptom of Abiotic Sunburn however send a clear picture of plant thanka for visit plantix
5 years ago
Hey there! Thank you for chiming in about this. I just posted two more pictures. Please let me know what you think when you get a chance. I appreciate the assistance.
5 years ago
Kristina in newly attached photos leaves are showing downward rolling and these are characteristic symptom of Brown Mite attack. Please check for presence of mites underneath the leaves and carryout spray of Acaricides like Abamectin or Fenpyroximate or Speromesifen. Thanks
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5 years ago
Yeah I checked for insects. Nothing but a caterpillar...and I killed that