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Tomato Late Blight

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Tomato Late Blight - Tomato

Tomato Tomato


How to recover the crop

Tomato is effected by early Blight and Powdery mildew ....Need to recover the Crop early what can I do ...Crop is in Fruiting stage


you can use humic Acid in root zone through drip. 250grm /Acre and spray micronutrients.


Hi, Shreshail cd. Welcome to Plantix community. Your crop is effected by Early Blight of Tomato For more details and control measures, visit plantix library or click on blue link given here. For Powdery mildew control: Spray or dust Sulfur fungicides like wettable sulfurs and sulfur dusting powders available in market. Thank you. Visit again.


please spray azoxystrobin+sulphar with mix of stickers it helps in early recovery but avoid spraying 12 days before harvest. thank you for choosing plantix Community


Shrishail your plot is affected by Tomato Late Blight . Please have a look in Plantix Library by clicking on above mentioned link for further details. I would like to suggest you to spray Cabrio Top or Amistar for quick and effective control. Thanks


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Tomato Late Blight spray sectin of Bayer which gives góod result3g in 1 litre of water.again after 10 days spray chlorothalonil 2g plus mancozeb 2.5g in 1litre of water. kindly refer plantix library for more information and description of the problem and management. click on blue link to access the library. thanks


after finishing diseases control start focusing program of fertilization specially amino acids and stimulants which contains sea weed and hormone precursor especially cytokinin


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