Tomato fruits(15000plants)
Is it virus or deficiency?
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Younger leaves become this types in side branches.
The leave color changed
My tomato plants are wilting and curly leaves. What are the solutions?
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6 years ago
Hi Babu, it's always hard to tell if a plant is infected by a virus just by a single images, but maybe you can provide us with some more information about the situation. For instance, do the leaves also show symptoms? Are most of the fruits affected or just some? I think it's unlikely that only the fruits would show symptoms of deficiencies, so it would be great if you could add some more images of the leaves to this post so that we can get a better idea. Sorry that this is probably not very helpful for you, but maybe a start to analyze the symptoms.
6 years ago
Hi Babu Reddy Welcome to Plantix Community. This is initiation of Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus . Controlling vectors Thrips is the only available precautionary measure with us. Please review Plantix Library by clicking on above mentioned links for further details. Thanks
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